Over the many years that I've attended church I've seen people come and go. The Parable of the Sower describes many of these - they spring up for a little while but then fade away. I understand that - I wish it were different but I understand it. However, I've also seen many true Christians leave a church over what seems like petty disagreements. That I've never understood. Why is that? Why do so many Christians seem to have the attitude of "I'll take my ball and go play elsewhere if you don't want to do it my way"? I believe the answer lies in the fact that a lot of us have a misconception of what church is all about.
Before going any further, I need to make something clear. When I speak of the church, I'm speaking of a local body of believers who congregate together. I am NOT speaking of a building - the building is where the church congregrates, but it is not the church.
Why do we attend a church? Before we answer that question let's look at what a true church really is. The purpose of a true church is five-fold:
Worship - This is our first responsibility. Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength.
Instruction - We are to preach, teach and disciple one another in order to grow in the knowledge of the Lord.
Fellowship - We are to fellowship and break bread with one another. We are instructed in Hebrews 10:25 to NOT forsake the assembling of ourselves together.
Evangelism - We are to spread the Gospel, fulfilling the Great Commission.
Outreach - We are to reach out to and love our neighbors by feeding the hungry, clothing the naked and visiting the sick and imprisoned.
Seems pretty basic, right? I'm sure if we thought it about it long enough we could possibly fine-tune the list and add or modify a couple of things, but for the sake of discussion let's agree on those five as basically covering the purpose of the local church.
I mentioned earlier that it seems a lot of people have a misconception of what church is all about. I believe this misconception lies in the fact that people think that church is about meeting their needs. So when disagreements arise in the body they leave because their 'needs' are not being met. But that's not what it's about at all.
"But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all." - 1 Corinthians 12:7
As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God - 1 Peter 4:10
The Scriptures are clear - each one of us have been given spiritual gifts that are to be used for the benefit of others in the church. Let me repeat that - not some of us, not a few of us, but ALL of us have received gifts that are to be used for the benefit of others. Through these gifts the Holy Spirit manifests Himself and ministers to the body to strengthen and build it up. So in effect it's not about me and my needs at all - it's about me doing my part in the body.
Are you using your gift? Let me ask a tougher question - do you know what your gift is? If you don't, let me encourage you to find out. There is nothing more fulfilling in this life than to know what your gift is and to use it for the benefit of the body.
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