I learned a real lesson in this. I had an idea about myself of who I thought I really was - but it turned out I wasn't that person. With that reality comes disappointment. But truth is like that - it is not discriminating. What I mean by that is that truth really doesn't regard the results. It just shines the light on the darkness and what is there is there. We have to deal with what the truth uncovers, and many times that can hurt.
So we all have a choice to make - do we let the light of the truth uncover the darkness in our lives and then deal with it? Or do we do like Pontius Pilate?
Pilate therefore said to Him, “Are You a king then?” Jesus answered, “You say rightly that I am a king. For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.” Pilate said to Him, “What is truth?” And when he had said this, he went out again to the Jews, and said to them, “I find no fault in Him at all. - John 18:37-38
Now what really jumps out at me from this passage is the following line:
"And when he had said this, he went out ..."
You see, Pilate asked the question and then just walked away - not waiting for the answer because he wasn't interested in the truth. He had 'the Truth' right in front of him, but he wasn't willing to address it. Many of us do the same thing - we are unwilling to let the truth in because we know it will hurt. It will not only show us things about ourselves that we don't like, but it will demand that we address those issues.
I mentioned earlier that truth shines the light into the darkness. One of the things you see in Scripture is that 'truth' and 'light' go hand in hand. One does not exist or work without the other.
For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.” - John 3:20-21
If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. - 1 John 1:6
Is it hard to let the truth and light into every area of our life - to uncover hidden sins and corruption we don't want to admit are really there? Of course it's hard. But look at the next verse.
But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. - 1 John 1:7
This is an amazing verse of scripture. Do you see how it works? As we walk in light and truth, sin will naturally be uncovered in our life. As a result, we are able to confess that sin and be cleansed through His blood. So in effect, the very fact that sin is being brought into the light and disposed of is a direct consequence of walking in the light and truth - it is a direct consequence of being His child!
In fact, John drives home the point in the next verse:
If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. - 1 John 1:8
Wow. He's saying the ability to recognize and confess your sin is a test of being a child of God, while those who do not or cannot recognize their sin show evidence that they are not His.
Does the truth hurt sometimes? Sure it does. It hurts when we think we are one thing and the truth of God shows us that we are something else. But we need to understand the process - that He is uncovering things that need to be cleansed so that we can be purified and become a vessel of honor for Him.
Truth about ourselves is not a pretty picture. It not only hurts, but it is ugly. I thank God for His uncovering me and I thank Him He does it in layers (patient He is with me). I thank Him for caring about me to uncover so that I can be cleansed in order to be conformed into His image. I have been uncovered untold times and actually I think I am in a perpetual state of being uncovered. Past tense and present tense. I will be uncovered in the future tense too. I am in myself a mess!! I am so thankful He hasn't left me to me!
ReplyDeleteEven today, people are like Pilate in that they are still not willing to face truth. They ask 'what is truth?' Most people want their own version of truth.
ReplyDeleteThere are times when I'm amazed at the depth of my sins when the Lord exposes them to me. They are like flesh wounds...ugly, painful, and needing to be healed. I don't just need salve and a bandaid, but a scalpel in the hand of the Great Physician. I desire to walk in the light of His truth, and I, too, am thankful that He doesn't give up on me!
ReplyDeleteUnless we perceive the "Truth" we see as something good, it is difficult not to turn away as Pilate did. It's a purely "natural" reaction. And if we are supposed to be living the "eternal" life, it is very apparent that it is a wrong choice. Whether we see the truth about ourselves, or the truth about someone else, especially those we are close to. If we turn away from the truth, we lose any hope of cleansing or healing, because just like Pilate, we walk away from the very Source that can provide ALL that we need for whatever it may be.
ReplyDeleteHow grateful I am to know that as many times as Israel turned and walked away from Him, He continued to call them saying, "Return to Me".
He is the same God, merciful and gracious, willing to forgive and cleanse and heal. I don't want to be someone that turns away.
We can't hear truth, we can't bear truth, we shun truth unless we know TRUTH. The more we hear and know Truth, Jesus Christ, we more we desire for Him to show us ourselves so that we can be uncovered of who we are and be covered with His righteousness. Lord, we desire truth in our inward man.
ReplyDeleteThese blogs are good because they make me think and they cause me to think on Jesus and the work He does in my heart.
ReplyDeleteIs it possible to live the eternal life and not face truth?
ReplyDeleteI wanted to say 'Thanks' to Mary Jane for her comment. Just to know that one of these blogs made someone think about my Lord and His work in their life - well, that makes me feel real good.