Several weeks ago our Sunday School class was going through the C.S. Lewis book Mere Christianity. In one of the chapters he asked the question "Should Christians try and force their morality on unbelievers?". That is a great question and it really got me thinking. We live in an age today where the Evangelical Church in general is significantly involved in trying to influence the culture in which we live. Is that right or wrong?
If that's too general a question then let's get more specific:
- Should Christians involve themselves in politics and political campaigns to try and elect officials who hold their same values?
- Should Christians involve themselves in the anti-abortion movement and activities such as picketing clinics?
- Should Christians campaign politically against same-sex marriage and go door-to-door to collect signatures against it?
Those are just a few of the issues, but there are many others. Like I said, the answers are not always simple and easy, but I want to encourage you to think about this. I look forward to your comments.
I believe that God looks at the heart of the matter, such as what are your reasons for your actions. I know that I am of clay and I don't always walk as I should, but I always ask the Holy Spirit for his guidance in any situation. I stand up for my values, but not to the point of becoming holier than thou. If we are not careful, the culture will be our influence.
ReplyDeleteI think as Christians we should walk out our values and beliefs as we go about our daily lives, in the community. That we should let the way we conduct ourselves in all our affairs show who we are and what we stand for. I believe we are called to be good citizens and vote for politcal candidates based on our values, but as for going door to door and taking a stand "against" certain issues, i believe in some ways we've turned Christianity into just another political party that slings as much mud as any of the others, and we effectively close the door and lose any opportunity we would have had to share the gospel of Christ with those people who have opposing values and beliefs, because we've become their enemies.
ReplyDeleteThose are not "simple" questions and there certainly are not any simple answers, but when we see where America is today in regards to our government, I think if having Christians "actively" involved in politics and campaigning was going to "change" things for the better, it would have already happened by now. If anything, we are worse off than ever before for all "our" efforts.
It is a heart issue, and only God knows the heart, and only God can change the heart, of believers and unbelievers.
And...I think the only folks Jesus ever took a stand "against" were the Pharisees. Sorry this is so long...these are some things i've been thinking about lately.
It is interesting that you pose these questions. I have thought about it a lot since the statement was made in one of our Sunday services that Jesus did not come to set our world aright; He came as a Savior..to save us from sin (might not be an exact quote but very close). In studying "Mere Christianity", those thoughts were stirred again as to our personal responsibility in a government.
ReplyDeleteIt seems Titus 3:1-8 tells us along with other Scriptures what our responsibility is in the midst of a pagan society.
The Bible was not being written in a godly culture. The governments were not based on God's values. Jesus didn't come to set the government right. He came to testify to the Truth.
In Acts 4, we find Peter and John are told to not preach Jesus, they went to believers and gave the report. The believers didn't come against those who had told them not to preach Jesus; they didn't pray for these people to be removed from them; they didn't pray for deliverance from these people; they prayed for boldness to speak His Word.
More than being involved in campaigns, going door to door, picketing, we should be praying. I do not believe as believers we are praying as we should. I am not praying as I should. It is the lost we should be concerned about...not the culture. Whether we are in China, Russia, or a democracy, people can be saved and people will be lost.
We need to concerned about our influence as believers...our evidence of being His. Not our influence in a movement.
As Jerri said, Christianity is viewed as "another political party." God forgive us for promoting government and what it should be more than being concerned about influencing person by person with love.
Have we seen benefits of being involved in campaigns? Have we seen benefits of picketing? Have we seen benefits of debates?
Where would we be in this society if we prayed for boldness to speak His Word and we would live His Word....Jesus said by this the world would know we were His by love. Is my love showing to the non-believers? Is it a sign of protest I need or is it love?
If God asks us to be involved with organizations such as the Women's Pregnancy Center (it is more for making godly choices and knowing God than it is against abortion), helping in campaigns, etc.. we should be obedient. We should always know the culture won't change us in our inner man regardless as to who is in charge and how much it is changes (even for the better).
I have not answered your questions! It is hard! SMILE
I think Christians and how they go about anything to do with politics has totally turned the culture against us. We do not come across as knowledgeable; we come across opinionated. Just watch them on Christians and you want to hide your head and close your ears.
ReplyDeleteI do not know how to answer the questions, but I do believe if we cared as much about God's kingdom than we do about the abortion picket lines and what the President is doing or not doing, we would be better people in today's culture.
ReplyDeleteThis is really hard to know what to do, but I do believe Christians don't act very godly when it comes to political actions. Based on that, it seems to me that we should not be involved in politics.
ReplyDeleteI believe it is God who puts people in power and God who removes them...for His purposes. We should vote and pay our taxes, but beyond that I don't see the need to get so involved in politics that we lose sight of the importance of the Kingdom of God. This world is NOT our home. We're pilgrims passing through. We should live our lives in light of eternity.
ReplyDeleteDo I want to be known as a political activist or do I want to be known as a child of God?
ReplyDeleteAll of these comments are good. What is God calling us to be and to do? As we do and be for Him, we will be good citizens. Not activists, but good citizens.
ReplyDeleteIs the Evangelical church influencing the culture or is the culture influencing the Evangelical church? It seems fairly obvious that the church is more like the culture than the culture is like the church.
ReplyDeleteIt would seem that we need to be winning souls and not be so concerned about influencing culture.
You have asked some good questions and we can find the answers in the Bible.
I enjoy your blog. I like the comments.
It doesn't seem that most of us have ever thought of your questions, which are good. We either do or don't do based on what we like or don't like or think it is good or bad. It doesn't seem that we have thought the Bible might have the answers to these type of questions.
ReplyDeleteNo wonder we can be like sheep led to a slaughter. We don't think for ourselves; we don't go to the Bible for answers; we don't understand that anything and everything is actually addressed in the Bible.
I am one of those who have never thought of these things so I am not casting stones. Woe is me is what describes me.
Thanks for the questions. It sure has had me thinking since you posted this. Wonder what else I have not thought about?
I think it is right to vote according to the values of the Bible, not our wallets or our political party. I am not against campaigning for a Christian Candidate. I have done it. However, I know that my blessings do not come from Washington D.C., they come from the Creator of the Universe! My hope is in Jesus Christ and my life is in His hands, not the President, Congress, or anyone else for that matter.
ReplyDeleteWhen I read this blog this morning and the comments, all I could think about were weeds. Sounds crazy doesn't it? Let me explain:
There was a time that I had a huge yard. I desperately wanted to have a lawn that was just eye catching and felt like carpet when you walked on it (weird, I know). However, when I looked out over the yard all I could see were weeds! Have you ever tried pulling the "endless weed"? I would pull one, and it seemed like it would not only reappear in a few days, but it would bring company! I felt hopeless. I had children who played in the yard, pets whom made our yard their haven, so no chemicals were going to be used on the weeds. But how on earth would I get rid of them? One day I finally figured it out! Plant more GRASS! And so I did. I bought a huge bag of centipede grass seeds and got busy! Those grass seeds sprouted and grew and before I knew it, the grass choked out the weeds! If I planted more of the very thing I wanted and spent less time trying to pull out the very thing I didn’t want, I got better results. Go figure!
Our country is full of weeds, better known as sin. I look at our society, I see weeds of depravity, weeds of moral decline, weeds of political corruption, weeds of violence, weeds of abuse and weeds of crimes against other human beings, weeds of hate, weeds of pride, and I see the weeds that entangle the lost and keep them prisoners of the enemy. It does make you want to just jump up, run out and start snatching up weeds. But what if we planted grass instead? (1 Corinthians 3:6)
Picketing abortion clinics are like trying to pull weeds that are scattered out in a million acres, but supporting homes for unwed mothers or mentoring teens and pouring Christian values into their lives are like planting the grass.
Instead of spending time getting signatures against gay marriages (pulling weeds), why don't Christians spend more time with their spouses, have good marriages and be godly role models for their families and communities (that's planting grass).
We need to be planters. And who knows if each Christian would plant grass in their community, in their area of influence, could it be we wouldn’t have to worry so much about the weeds?
We need to take a stand in America alright, but it needs to be on our knees praying for this lost and dying world. Instead of looking at people with disgust, can we see the weeds that entangle them and mourn for their condition? Could we drop our TV remotes, movie theatre tickets, shopping trip plans, or endless hours on Facebook, or whatever seems to steal our time, and get on our faces and weep for souls? This is the watering.
Thank you guys so much for your comments. I'll be posting Part 2 sometime today or tomorrow, and your comments really made me think.