I was out of town last week on business so I had to spend some undesirable time in airports and airplanes. As I was sitting in the airport waiting on my plane to leave, a young mother with 3 young children came and sat down across from me. It was fairly early in the morning, so she had evidently bought them some biscuits for breakfast. As she unwrapped them, she stopped and had them all bow their heads and pray.
I'm not sure why seeing one small family in an airport stop and bless their food would have such an affect on me, but it did. I think it's because with all the junk going on in the world around us, it seems sometimes that we're the only ones serving the Lord. Sure, we know there are others out there, but because we don't know them they can become invisible to us. The world can be so bad that it begins to drown out the good, and if we're not careful we'll begin to feel sorry for ourselves.
The same thing happened to Elijah. It seemed to him that the entire nation of Israel was given over to Baal.
So he said, “I have been very zealous for the LORD God of hosts; for the children of Israel have forsaken Your covenant, torn down Your altars, and killed Your prophets with the sword. I alone am left; and they seek to take my life.” - 1 Kings 19:10
But God reminded him that he was not alone.
Yet I have reserved seven thousand in Israel, all whose knees have not bowed to Baal, and every mouth that has not kissed him.” - 1 Kings 19:18
So just as that small family in an airport reminded me last week, I want to pass on the favor and remind you that you are not alone. In every city and town, every airport and mall, God has those who belong to Him.
Keeping our eyes and ears open...we will see God's people.