Let me give you an example. Last Sunday, in front of 300+ people, I made the statement that "God spoke to me". I stated this very clearly, even enunciating where I was when He spoke and exactly what He said to me. There were people sitting in the audience with whom I'm acquainted that I know are not Christians. Now I'm sure if you asked them they would say they believe in God, but their life doesn't exhibit any fruit of being a Christian. So for the sake of the discussion let's just agree that they are unbelievers. Later in the week I ran across these same people. The odd thing to me is that they treated me exactly like they had treated me before I made this statement. We talked about the weather, our families and other mundane stuff. But they made no mention of my "speaking with God".
Now let's think about this for a second. Either what I said was true, God Himself really did speak to me ... or I'm a raving lunatic who thinks he talks to God. Either way, there should have been some reaction from them. If they had believed what I said was true, then I would have thought they would have wanted to discuss it. Did I really hear from God? Do I really know Him? If they thought I was a raving lunatic, then I would have expected them to run the other way as fast as they could. But they did neither of these things. They just went on about life just as if they'd never heard me make the statement in the first place.
If you really think about it though, isn't this what the majority of people do? There is a group of people in this world that don't believe in God at all. And on the other end of the spectrum there is a group of people that not only believe but have surrendered themselves to Him and serve Him with all their heart. But in the middle is the majority ... people who more than likely say that they believe in God but really never give God or even the subject of God the attention they both deserve. Jesus calls this state "lukewarm" and said He'd much rather us be cold or hot. I can understand that. As odd as it sounds, I can respect a person that has at least given the subject of God their attention and then made a decision not to believe. I can't understand it, but I can respect it. But there is no excuse to be so emotionally or intellectually lazy that you don't even address it. That I can't understand.
Luke 17:26-30 "Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all. It was the same in the days of Lot. People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building. But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all. It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed."
How many people are a part of that "majority in the middle", and don't even have a clue that's where they're at?
ReplyDeleteDespite the easy accessibility of the written word of God...many have become "dull of hearing". Oh God set our hearts and ears on fire for You!
Paul said in Galatians that I did not receive my calling from any special group of people or any human authority - my calling was from God. Then he says I do not share with you any human interpretation, but I receive direct revelation from the one who called me. That means that I can hear from Him and receive direct revelation from Him! It excites me when the God of this universe, the one who created me wants to talk to me. Derrick God does like to talk - may I always have a desire to hear from Him.