The next evening as I walked outside, I noticed 4 of the teenagers in our group were talking to this blind skier. Well, I should say the blind skier was talking to them. I wasn't sure what she was saying, but looking at those kids faces I could tell that they were listening intently to whatever it was she had to say. Afterward, I found one of the kids and asked them what they were talking about. I just assumed that she was explaining how she was able to ski even without sight - but that wasn't it at all.
She told them that she had lost her sight when her car was hit by a drunk driver. She then went on to explain how she had gotten angry with God, but over time God had changed her heart. She was now involved in full-time Christian ministry to other people with rehabilitation issues. God had taken a bad thing in her life and made it good.
You know, I wish I could tell you that bad things are not going to happen in your life and mine, but I can't. Life happens, and in that life sometimes we endure trials and suffer. Those trials may seem unfair, and in many cases by our own measuring standards they are. But God is always in control. If we'll just let him, he can take any situation - even a bad one - and turn it to His glory.When bad things happen to us, we can raise our fists to heaven and give Him a piece of our mind - or we can raise our hands to heaven and give him a piece of our heart, that same piece that's been hurt, abused and trampled on. When we do that, He can bind up the broken-hearted.
I wanted to find that lady and tell her how much I appreciated her sharing her testimony with those kids, but I was unable to find her the next day. Who knows what fruit one little testimony on a ski slope can bring forth.
"Raising our hands to God instead of our fists when bad things happen, and allowing Him to bind up our broken hearts"...may we who call ourselves His disciples truly get this important truth inside us!