I went to a funeral the other day and as we gathered in the fellowship hall prior to the service a woman came up to me. "You probably don't remember me", she said, "but my mother was Mrs. Causey". To be honest I didn't really remember her, but her mother I could not forget.
When I was a kid, we were at church every time the doors were opened - or so it seemed to me. We attended a Baptist church, so that meant Sunday School on Sunday mornings and "Training Union" (whatever that is) on Sunday nights. And there was a little red-haired lady that taught kid's classes at that church - her name was Mrs. Causey.
My memory tends to be sketchy sometime about things that happened in my childhood, so I don't remember how long she taught the class or even how old I was at the time. I can tell you with pretty good certainty that I did not appreciate at the time what she was doing. I'm sure we came week after week, a bunch of brats who were just tolerating her and the class because our parents made us come.
Today? I'm a Sunday School teacher. I appreciate so much what she did. Week after week studying and preparing and never knowing if the time and effort that you are putting in will really pay off in the lives of those you teach. But it paid off in my life and I'm sure it did as well in the lives of others. Because I can tell you that when I left that church I knew the Bible. And those verses and the lessons I learned stayed with me through the years - even when I did not stay with Him.
If you are serving the Lord in any capacity, let me encourage you to remain steadfast in your work and in your efforts. Just like Mrs. Causey, your investment in other's lives will bring forth fruit. You may never see it or even know about it - but do it for the Glory of God. Whatever talent or service the Lord has given you, cherish and guard it and be faithful to it.
She died last year one month short of 88 years. Her daughter told me that she had taught an adult Sunday School class for 47 years - let me repeat that - 47 years.
Well done, Mrs. Causey. Well done.
“So he who had received five talents came and brought five other talents, saying, ‘Lord, you delivered to me five talents; look, I have gained five more talents besides them.’ His Lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your Lord.’ " - Jesus Christ
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