Some of you may have noticed that I have not blogged much lately. In fact, I've only written once since August 26th (I went back and checked). I would like to blame this on being too busy, but I can't. The real reason is that I just haven't had anything on my mind to write about, and for me that is not normal. For whatever reason, I've always got several things going on that I could write about. Some I choose to put down in words and others I choose not to, but there is normally no shortage of material. As I thought about it, I just realized that I was very 'dry' spiritually. But how did I get that way? I'm in the Scriptures every day - how did that happen?
It just so happened that I went to a short men's retreat over the weekend at St. George's Island. One of the things that was mentioned by the speaker was a man's "daily communion". Once he said that, I immediately knew what my problem was. Although I read my Bible every day, I haven't been having my 'Daily Bread'. Let me explain what I mean.
I teach a Sunday School class on Sunday morning, the church Youth Group on Sunday night and a Middle School class on Wednesday night. In order to do that, I have to organize my time. So here's what I do.
Monday morning - Sunday School preparation
Tuesday morning - Sunday School preparation
Wednesday morning - Middle School class preparation
Thursday morning - Sunday School preparation
Friday morning - Youth Group preparation
Sunday morning - Sunday School review
Sunday afternoon - Youth Group review
Most of that time is spent in the Word, so I should have a million things going on in my mind and heart that the Lord is working on. But I don't. How can that be?
What I realized is this - all of that time is for someone else. I'm digging in the Word to prepare Bread for others, not to feed myself. You see, there is no replacement for our Daily Communion with the Lord. We need that quiet time with Him . Without it, we become dry and empty on the inside. So this morning I got up and read my Bible - not to prepare a message or a lesson , but just to spend time with Him and His Word.